Shorts Create

Andrea spots her uncle playing with his airplane toys and eagerly wants to join in. Just as her uncle is about to hand over one of his planes, it breaks! But, instead of letting this dampen their spirits, Uncle comes up with a crafty solution. He grabs colorful paper and crafts a paper airplane! Excitedly, Andrea asks to learn, and soon they're both crafting a fleet of colorful paper planes. Together, they take to the park, their paper creations soaring through the air, proving that sometimes, simple joys can come from unexpected setbacks.

Lesson Learned:
Even when things break or don’t go as planned, there's always a creative way to make the best out of the situation.

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Toys and Colors




Maddie tries to draw a pink car but accidentally uses red. Charlotte, the patient teacher, notices the mix-up and takes the opportunity to teach Maddie the difference between red and pink. Using various toys, Charlotte explains how pink has a lighter hue because of the addition of white. After learning, Maddie successfully distinguishes between the two colors, drawing a pink flower and a red apple. The lesson ends with Maddie's newfound understanding and gratitude towards Charlotte.

Lesson Learned:
Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow. With patience and guidance, we can easily distinguish between things that might seem similar.

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Toys and Colors




Ellie, starts with a jar full of coins she's saved up. With her eyes filled with glee, she spends all her coins on a mountain of candies. After multiple scenes of her trading coins for candies, Ellie ends up with an empty jar and a heavy heart.

Then enters Auntie, who, with a kind heart and wisdom, advises Ellie on the importance of saving money. Inspired by Auntie's advice, Ellie decides to work hard to fill her jar again. She helps Uncle fix a toy car, and in gratitude, he gifts her some coins. She then assists Auntie in cleaning up the kitchen, and earns a few more coins for her efforts. Our story ends on a high note with Ellie carefully depositing her earned coins back into the jar, as she learns a valuable lesson on money management and saving.

Lesson Learned:
This video teaches children the value of saving money and that hard work pays off. It emphasizes the idea that instead of spending money impulsively, it's wiser to save it for future use, while also learning to earn money through small jobs.

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Toys and Colors